Instructions for use Cystonette

The unique formulation of Cystonette provides the drug's high efficacy in treating cystitis. Active ingredients not only remove pathogenic bacteria, but also form a natural barrier against inflammatory processes. This year, the drug was recognized as one of the best in France, not only because of its effectiveness, but also because of its safety. Both women and men have successfully used an anti-cystitis drug that does not affect the hormonal background, does not increase blood glucose levels, and does not interfere with concentration. For the treatment and prevention of bladder diseases. For best results, capsules should be used as directed.


Cystonette Rinse with clean water

Capsules are for adults 18 to 80 years old. The course of treatment should be at least 15-30 days, and in severe cases with complications, it should be extended 3 times and rest for 10 days. During normal use, rest is not recommended, since the active substance must reach a certain concentration in the blood. Capsules are best taken in the morning and evening, before or after meals. Rinse the capsules with at least 150ml of water. One pack - 10 capsules, i. e. treatment may require at least 3 packs. You can take this medicine once a day for 10-15 days if you have bladder problems or to prevent cystitis. Active substances relax the mucous membranes and muscles of the bladder, prevent salt deposits and stone formation, relieve mild inflammation and normalize the process of urination with frequent urination.

Indications for the use of Cystonette:

Cystitis is more common in women than men and can be triggered by a variety of factors. It can be primary, secondary, infectious or non-infectious, acute or chronic. Risk factors include bladder mucosal damage, chronic disease and genitourinary infections, hypothermia, blood or urine stagnation, pregnancy, and unprotected sex. Indications to use Cystonette are the following symptoms:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • Often want to urinate with the least amount of urine;
  • Pain, pain, burning during urination;
  • cloudy urine, pus or blood in secretions;
  • Feeling that the bladder is not fully emptied;
  • Acute cystitis is characterized by fever and general malaise.


Clinical trials conducted in France did not document cases of allergic reactions or other complications caused by taking Cystonette capsules. However, people with individual intolerances to ingredients like cranberry, hibiscus, or zinc should get an allergy test before using the drops. In addition, capsules are not recommended for neoplastic diseases of the genitourinary system. Do not give to children and animals, keep in a closed place.